Friday, February 12, 2010

February 5th snowstorm.

You should be in Pittsburgh! We are under several feet of snow! Drifts up to 12 feet! People are dieing. Electricity and heat are off for thousands. Streets are impassible, stores, and businesses are closed. Snowed in for 7 days now since Friday February 5th. We have been declared a state of emergency. You only hear about Washington, DC!
Schools, public buildings, corporations all are closed. Snow removal teams are having a tough fight. We are having cabin fever cozz we been in our homes since Friday last. Friday and Saturday we were pummelled with snow. The temperature, meanwhile, went up and then down. Freezing the previous deep snow. Then Tuesday a second storm with over 2 feet more snow. That killed us. We are in our homes and apartments. The homeless are where? Grocery stores that have managed to be open are being emptied of basic products. State likker stores that manage to open manage to be besieged with people who otherwise" can't get out!" :)
Carbon monoxide deaths mount as people without power make contrived heat and light, causing fires. It's a mess. Yet I, so far am warm safe and secure in this "gated community" that I am staying in.
The positive things. People are snowshoeing, skiing, and roughing it through the deep snow. Children and teens are out sledding, building playful snow structures, or helping with serious shoveling. People that would never speak are helping one another. There are teams of youths going around checking houses and apartments to ascertain the well-being of the elderly and infirm. I, on the other hand have been sitting here all these days inside mostly, doing nothing. Snowed in yet my electricity or gas or water have not ceased and I am warm and have plenty enough food. A trapped yet comfortable and thankful soul; suffering privation.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Red Leather Motorcycle Jacket

So one day last spring(2009) I was riding my bike towards home down Larimer Avenue. I got to the corner of Larimer and ***** and these two people were walking. One had on a beautiful red leather motorcycle jacket with Japanese script on it. Across the back between the shoulders it said "ATLANTA" in Japanese katakana.

"Sick-assed Jacket", I said to dude, "That says ATLANTA in Japanese."
"Yea", he said, "Howdja know?"
"I can read that shit!"
"Yea, you wit' it! I'm from Atlanta; I alway had to TELL niggahz what that say! You the 1st that tol' ME!!!"
And that was it. We went our ways. Damn!!! I WANTED that fuckin' jacket!!!